Saturday, February 2, 2008

Mushy thoughts

I just finished watching onTV the funeral of the president of our church, Gordan B. Hinckley. He was such an amazing man and has been the leader of our church for so long, he will be sorely missed. But, this I know. The man that takes his place will be the man the Lord wants to lead His church, be it for a day, a month, a year or a decade or two.

I think that in most peoples lives, there are some significant choices they make that alters the course of that life. That certainly has been the case in my life. In May, 1975, I made the decision to be baptized into the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.(If you want to know what our church teaches, go to I was baptized on June 5 when I was 19. That choice and the subsequent one to move to Idaho, 6 months later, brought me to a place where I met the man I married and had a family with. I have often pondered how different my life would have turned out had I not joined this church and moved to Idaho. I can't even imagine. Who's to say what my life would have been like and who I would have married (and what my children would look like. And, would they still be the same kids?!). All I can say is that I know the choice I made was divinely inspired. I felt it at the time. I couldn't grasp the consequence if it, but at the time I just simply felt led by the Lord down this path. In just over 12 months, I was baptized, moved to Idaho and married. Then, less than 12 months after that, I was a mother. That's a lot of change in 24 months. And, 13 months later, a mother again.

I feel very blessed in my life. My early years were fraught with discord and insecurity, growing up in a pretty dysfunctional family. However, while those years have, without a doubt, influenced and shaped me in someways, I feel they do not define me. I feel in many ways that my life began anew when I was 19. And, this new life has been one full of great blessings. A good husband, 5 wonderful kids and 10, almost 11 grandkids. A extended family that's about the BEST EVER. Health has been a blessing to Howard and me and our kids and grandkids. I live in the greatest country in the world and live at an amazing time. I often wonder about all I'm going to have to account to the Lord for. One thing I dread is the thought of facing Him and realizing that I have been ungrateful for the blessings he gave me. So, I try really hard to recognize those blessings and be appropriately grateful for them. I probably fail at that a fair amount.

I'm mindful that the Lord knows me, knows my needs and loves me. That is true for everyone, too. So, that brings me great comfort when I consider the loved ones in my life. I know He watches over them in just as personal a way as he does me, loves them perfectly and will bless them with what they need when they are ready to receive that blessing.

Oops, this has turned into a church talk and that wasn't my intent. You can blame Pres. Hinckley when you see him! Anyway, I'm very happy today as consider my life and the blessings I have received. I told you it was Mushy Thoughts!

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