Quilting, my friends. I've been bitten by the quilting bug. I've always had it, but it's become more active than dormant lately. Now, for all the really serious quilters in the world, I am SO an amateur at this. But, I've signed up for a class. I've picked up a little along the way for the past 30 years. But, I want to learn the real stuff. So, I made my friend Tammi's daughter a baby blanket for her upcoming baby girl. Nothing fancy, just a tied, pink flannel blanket. I also made a Raider's football quilt for my friend JC a few weeks ago, but didn't get a picture of it.

But, about 2 months ago, Seth announced that for his birthday, he wanted an "all yellow blanket with rainbow on the back". Evidently he's decided that yellow is his favorite color. At least fo rnow. Hmm. It got me excited and I was ready to try new stuff. First, I sketched it out on the first piece of paper I could find available. That's how I roll, you know. You might not be able to tell, but I have this bad boy planned out to the INCH.

I got the pattern for the quilt block out of this little lovely publication. It's aptly named.

I bought 10 different fabrics, ALL variations of yellow. In this picture, a couple of them look like they're white. But, no, they're yellow. I made the blocks an "uneven nine patch" from 9 of them and pieced them together with the cat fabric. Can anyone say B-U-S-Y? It's actually kind of hard on the eyes.

Then, I put on the back. It's not "rainbow" per se, but it has all the colors of the rainbow in it. So, I hope it worked for Seth!

It's about 45" x 60".

After coordinating schedules, I took it over to give to Seth this AM. He had had birthday already and was pretty excited. Can't you tell? This is him sitting on the "birthday chair" waiting for his mom & dad to get ready (Erin getting her camera). And, what were they doing?

Playing a HOT game of Halo with Austin! Poor Seth. Acutally, he only had to wait a couple of minutes. He was good. Kevin won by 2 seconds. Whatever that means. I don't do Halo. I do Dr. Mario. Barely.

Finally, after asking ,"what did you make me, Grandma?" he got to open his present. Seeing the front.

Checking out the back.

It got a place on the "chair of honor" and he was generous enough to share with Brooklyn.

And, what good is a quilt/blanket if you can't make a tent out of it and hide under it???

And sometimes, it helps to just lay on something comfy, put your feet up and play with your toys. Whatever they may be. I think it's good to be 4!

Happy Birthday Seth!
That is one cute quilt!! I love the bright colors. Seth is lucky to have such a dedicated grandma.
Wow Beth I'm impressed! I'm so not into quilting. Maybe later. You did good, very cute!
Well, you need to learn, Marsha, you know...for when we're in the home together???? Since we can't listen to the same music and all. I'm just sayin'.
Very cute quilt Aunt Beth, Very cute!
Thanks again, Mom. He is still loving it, and showed it off today to all his party friends. And then he wrapped up in it to watch his new DVD.
There's nothing better than a grandma-made quilt!! Good for you! About 9 yrs ago, Kathy, Mom, and I went into a quilting store in Bountiful and I bought a book and all these fabrics and. . . . it's all still in the bag. Yes, 9 yrs later I still get it out and think about how cute that quilt would be made up.
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