Doctors. Can't live with em', can't live without em. Well, maybe you can. But, I don't. I am firm beliver in regular tune ups, believe it or not. Yearly mamograms and Pap smears (don't you just HATE the name of that one)? I might be a bit of a wuss, but I believe I was sent to the earth in 1955 for several reasons and not taking advantage of modern medicine seems silly to me. Like someone saying, "hey, here's a million dollars" and me saying, "no, thanks". So, I go to the doctor, probably more than anyone in my family. And, thanks to Sarah, I have a really good,nice, pleasant family practice doctor I love.
So, about a year ago, in my annual tuneup/checkup, when she ordered some very routine blood tests, I asked her to test me for this one thing I had read about in Time magazine, that the article said was an important thing to test for, but often gets overlooked. I can't remember what it was called now, but it is supposed to be a possible indicator of heart trouble. And, considering the issue I have with my weight, I really do want to be on top of my heart health. So, the test came back with an elevated level of this stuff. Not a big red flag in itself, but worth a little follow up, she said. So she referred me to Dr. Shah. First impression, I was not so impressed, but that has changed a lot. He's a frickin' walking textbook about all things medical, I swear. But, here's the deal. It's test after test after test. All good ones, no doubt, and thus far, no pain, which I LOVE, but kind of an ongoing thing. He's got my blood pressure under control (116/77 today) and I'm loving that. My cholesterol is like155. And, all of the tests, thus far have shown no serious cardiac problems. Thank goodness.
Well, in November, I saw him and he said one of the previous tests left a little doubt about something and the only way he could know for sure is to have an angiogram. He said it was really up to me. That's when they put you in the cath lab at the hospital and thread a thing up your femoral artery and into your heart and look for a blockage. Now, he doesn't necessarily think I HAVE a blockage, but wants to make sure, since, well, lets face it, I'm fat. I've had a cardiac ablation before, so I've had the whole thread a thing up your femoral artery thing. While it's not AWFUL, it's not what I'd prefer to do on any day, so I'm thinking a CT one would be GREAT. So, he ordered a virtual one, one that you just have to have a CT scan to tell you what you want. He also ordered a couple of other things, including a body scan of the abdomen, which, it turns out is really from the neck to your butt. The insurance approved the Body Scan, but denied the CTA (angiogram). Bummer.
So, today, I go back to see him and get the results of the test. He tells me that the body scan indicated some interesting stuff. Evidently, I have nodules on my thyroid. There's some scarring on my adrenal glands and one of my lungs and a cyst in my liver that's probably no big deal. But, since all these things COULD mean something, he wants me to get with Dr. Wahab and have her refer me to different specialists; Endocrinologist for the thyroid and adrenal gland thing (although he said the adrenal glands are pretty benign organs and it's no big deal). A pulmonologist to make sure the lung thing isn't anything. He said the lung and the adrenal thing COULD mean tuberculosis at sometime, but since I work for the CCSD, I have had several TB tests and they all have come back negative, so I'm pretty sure I'm good about not having TB. Or, he says, maybe I've had pneumonia sometime and just have a little scarring. How does one have pneumonia and not know it?! And someone to check the liver. Really, he said this was just like a baseline thing and I just need to follow up with these things in a few months to make sure they aren't growing/spreading/getting worse, etc. And, since all this stuff showed up on the scan, he now says he definitely wants me to have the full on, in the cath lab angiogram. Goo, as Julina says.
So, here I am looking at who knows how long for all this stuff to happen. I'm not loving the thought. Especially the thyroid thing. Sarah had a biopsy I was present for and I'm pretty sure I'll be avoiding that at all costs if I can. I'm a huge proponant of the no pain thing. So, is the cup half empty or full? I'm really grateful that I have insurance that pays for most of this stuff,and that I live in a time/place that even allows for it to be checked/discovered/treated/prevented. But, really, I'm not loving the thought of all these doctor visits and filling out all the forms and getting into who knows what. Maybe ignorance is bliss.
Now, having said all this, don't think I've got one foot in the grave. I really feel fine, other than my aches from arthritic knees and foot aches and needing the basic bladder suspension that 5 kids & 52 years caused. A hair transplant would prove to be beneficial. I've got more wrinkles every day. And, ifI sleep on my back, I snore. But, all of the cardiac tests I've had indicate good things; no blockages that they can see, or serious plaque or high cholesterol. I've joined a gym close to home. I'm going to give working out a shot when it opens in a couple of weeks. Try to build up some physical stamina and flexibility and see if I can feel better when I move. But, really, I FEEL FINE. I'm not sick and I don't have any diseases.
Which, I think, makes my cup DEFINITELY half full! Maybe more than half full.
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
My Husband, the Principal!
Sarah already posted this bit of news, but I just want to put it out there that MY husband, is the newest principal of Helen Herr ES in Las Vegas, NV! Go Howard! I'm super "well pleased" with him and know he'll do a great job and will soon have a staff of people who wouldn't want to work anywhere else because they'll love working for him so much! I can see snowmen aplenty for next year, already! It's been a journey for him to get here, from when he first started working on his Master's in Administration to receiving his first Assistant Princial appointment, to today, but he's done it with typical Howard doggedness. He just never complains (well, seldom) and just puts his head down and does what needs to get done. Our entire family is really SO proud of him and know he'll do a super job!
Monday, January 21, 2008
Today, on my day off work, I got to do two of my most favorite things. I got to 1) have a mammogram and 2) grocery shop! Woohoo! Am I lucky or what!?
Seriously, I am glad that mammography is available to me. I'm pretty diligent about getting them on a regular basis. And those of you who know me, which is pretty much most of you, will find this hard to believe, but the technician drove me CRAZY with her incessant chatter! I know, I know, pot calling the kettle and all that. But, seriously, when a woman is having her breast pulled off her chest wall, that's REALLY not the time to ask "what did you do for Christmas?"! She barely gets the question out of her mouth and I'm trying to be CIVIL and answer in decent tone, when she cuts me off in her sing-songy-I've-said-this-a-million-times-voice "take a deep breath and HOOOOOLLLLLLDDDDD". Followed by "Breathe" just as I am about to pass out. And, I got to do that FOUR times. But, luckily, she saw nothing abnormal and didn't have to do a follow up "just to make sure" as sometimes happens.
I have a cold. At least I hope that' all it is but I think it's more like a sinus infection and it's headed south (into my chest and lungs). I'm thinking I'd better get into my doctor so I don't get really sick and have to miss Scrapfest this weekend. It seems like I go through this every year. I usually get a cough that just lasts forever. Last time I wondered if I had TB, I coughed so much! I had a horrible night's sleep night before last and so last night, knowing I didn't have to get up early today, took TWO Simply Sleep OTC sleep aids that usually work like a charm. I don't know if it's the decongestant I'm also taking, but really, no luck in the sleep department last night, either. I woke up @ 3:15 feeling like I had slept 8 hours when it ad only been 5. From then until 7:00 it was a constant wake up/doze. So, here it is at 7:30 and I am ready for bed. But, if I go to bed now, I'll be awake again @ 2:00. I'm not taking the decongestant today and will try again tonight to see if I can get a decent night's sleep. But, I can't breathe, either. I'm pretty sure my nose is about to fall off from all the blowing I've done.
Oh, if any of you wrote down Mike's new address, we got a correction email today. The zip code is different. It's really 25801. I hope he gets the letter I sent him on Thursday. I'm thinking wrong Zip Code or not, there's only 1 Beckley, West Virginia.
Finally, I want to send a shout out to my friend Marsha. She had her first round of chemo-therapy last week. One down 5 more to go! She gets them every 3 weeks. I wish I was there. Not sure what I would do, but I wish I was there. I love you, Marsha.
Seriously, I am glad that mammography is available to me. I'm pretty diligent about getting them on a regular basis. And those of you who know me, which is pretty much most of you, will find this hard to believe, but the technician drove me CRAZY with her incessant chatter! I know, I know, pot calling the kettle and all that. But, seriously, when a woman is having her breast pulled off her chest wall, that's REALLY not the time to ask "what did you do for Christmas?"! She barely gets the question out of her mouth and I'm trying to be CIVIL and answer in decent tone, when she cuts me off in her sing-songy-I've-said-this-a-million-times-voice "take a deep breath and HOOOOOLLLLLLDDDDD". Followed by "Breathe" just as I am about to pass out. And, I got to do that FOUR times. But, luckily, she saw nothing abnormal and didn't have to do a follow up "just to make sure" as sometimes happens.
I have a cold. At least I hope that' all it is but I think it's more like a sinus infection and it's headed south (into my chest and lungs). I'm thinking I'd better get into my doctor so I don't get really sick and have to miss Scrapfest this weekend. It seems like I go through this every year. I usually get a cough that just lasts forever. Last time I wondered if I had TB, I coughed so much! I had a horrible night's sleep night before last and so last night, knowing I didn't have to get up early today, took TWO Simply Sleep OTC sleep aids that usually work like a charm. I don't know if it's the decongestant I'm also taking, but really, no luck in the sleep department last night, either. I woke up @ 3:15 feeling like I had slept 8 hours when it ad only been 5. From then until 7:00 it was a constant wake up/doze. So, here it is at 7:30 and I am ready for bed. But, if I go to bed now, I'll be awake again @ 2:00. I'm not taking the decongestant today and will try again tonight to see if I can get a decent night's sleep. But, I can't breathe, either. I'm pretty sure my nose is about to fall off from all the blowing I've done.
Oh, if any of you wrote down Mike's new address, we got a correction email today. The zip code is different. It's really 25801. I hope he gets the letter I sent him on Thursday. I'm thinking wrong Zip Code or not, there's only 1 Beckley, West Virginia.
Finally, I want to send a shout out to my friend Marsha. She had her first round of chemo-therapy last week. One down 5 more to go! She gets them every 3 weeks. I wish I was there. Not sure what I would do, but I wish I was there. I love you, Marsha.
Saturday, January 19, 2008
Fun Night
For Christmas, I gave Howard two tickets to see Blue Man Group and two tickets to see Mystere. Last Friday, he took David to see BMG. Said it was ok. Tonight we went to see Mystere @ Treasure Island. Amazing show! I really loved the trapeze acts, but there was lots I liked. I recommend it. The comedy act mixed into the show was very amusing and clever and cute, as well.
We got there @ 8:45 and there was a big line already. We got in line to pick up our tickets and then walked back to get in the end of the HUGE line, now, and waited about 25 minutes for the doors to open. There had to be several hundred, if not a couple of thousand people passing by us, going and coming in both directions. I said to Howard, "it just amazes me how many people there are in the world and not ONE of them looks exactly alike". And then I thought, "and God knows everyone of us"! I'm really glad I know that one truth. I can't imagine feeling like that's not the case like I know some people do. How in the world do they cope if they don't believe in a loving God who knows them and cares about them?
I chose not to caucus today. Partly becuse I'm still not zeroed in on one candidate, but like I told Howard today, I think I'm a little bugged by the whole not-secret-ballot thing. Not that I'd be ashamed for people to know, but I want to be the one to tell people if I choose, not have the world able to know. It rubs me wrong. I'm sorry for those people who didn't get to participate, however, when they wanted to.
And, I came to the realization today that I have an addiction. To flannel. To make baby blankets with. Or, grown up people ones. I know there are other fabrics (Erin), but I just love flannel. Erin told me today that she likes the cotton/poly fabric. The kind that gets "cold". I went to the store and bought some. I already have some and don't even have burning needs for it to be made, but I bought more. I'm stopping for a while. I think I'll make some and take to Mexico when I go in March. I still have 4 blankets our Relief Society made that need to go, too. Or, maybe I'll donate some to the Humanitarian Center in SLC for our church.
We got there @ 8:45 and there was a big line already. We got in line to pick up our tickets and then walked back to get in the end of the HUGE line, now, and waited about 25 minutes for the doors to open. There had to be several hundred, if not a couple of thousand people passing by us, going and coming in both directions. I said to Howard, "it just amazes me how many people there are in the world and not ONE of them looks exactly alike". And then I thought, "and God knows everyone of us"! I'm really glad I know that one truth. I can't imagine feeling like that's not the case like I know some people do. How in the world do they cope if they don't believe in a loving God who knows them and cares about them?
I chose not to caucus today. Partly becuse I'm still not zeroed in on one candidate, but like I told Howard today, I think I'm a little bugged by the whole not-secret-ballot thing. Not that I'd be ashamed for people to know, but I want to be the one to tell people if I choose, not have the world able to know. It rubs me wrong. I'm sorry for those people who didn't get to participate, however, when they wanted to.
And, I came to the realization today that I have an addiction. To flannel. To make baby blankets with. Or, grown up people ones. I know there are other fabrics (Erin), but I just love flannel. Erin told me today that she likes the cotton/poly fabric. The kind that gets "cold". I went to the store and bought some. I already have some and don't even have burning needs for it to be made, but I bought more. I'm stopping for a while. I think I'll make some and take to Mexico when I go in March. I still have 4 blankets our Relief Society made that need to go, too. Or, maybe I'll donate some to the Humanitarian Center in SLC for our church.
Thursday, January 17, 2008
Michael has transferred
We got our weekly email from Michael today. In case anyone is interested, he's transferred. New address:
Elder Michael Garrard
106 Quarry St.
Beckley, W.VA. 26081
He is happy to be transferred. He's covering two areas, again. Interesting...there used to be two Elders in Beckley and 2 in Oak Hill. Two got sent home, so two are covering both areas. There are two apartments, though. Evidently they pack up a few things and head to the other apartmen for a few days a week. Strange.
Don't know much else other than we have an ADORABLE new grandson! There' just something SO great about a new baby. Probably the posibilities they represent. And, life just kind of slows down and all the attention focuses on them for a little bit and things seem... sweeter.
Elder Michael Garrard
106 Quarry St.
Beckley, W.VA. 26081
He is happy to be transferred. He's covering two areas, again. Interesting...there used to be two Elders in Beckley and 2 in Oak Hill. Two got sent home, so two are covering both areas. There are two apartments, though. Evidently they pack up a few things and head to the other apartmen for a few days a week. Strange.
Don't know much else other than we have an ADORABLE new grandson! There' just something SO great about a new baby. Probably the posibilities they represent. And, life just kind of slows down and all the attention focuses on them for a little bit and things seem... sweeter.
Monday, January 14, 2008
Gus is here!
Well, Gus is here! He was born at 3:23 on 1-14-08 after a really loooooonnnggg labor (18+hours). He is 20.5" long. He has a full head of dark, curly hair! He is adorable!
Sunday night, Stacy and Nathan got to the hospital around 7:30. Erin, Sarah and I came up around 10:00. David a little later. Here, the siblings interpreting the monitor while Nathan is feeding Stacy ice chips.

Sunday, January 13, 2008
If I'm so busy why don't I have more to post about?!
Here I am on Sunday morning (thank you 11:00 church!) checking my family's blogs. Realizing it's been 8 days since I posted. I've been busily engaged everyday this week, but nothing big stands out. But here are a few random thoughts.
Today is an exciting day. It's the day Stacy goes to the hospital to be induced to have their baby boy, Gus. I'm stoked. I love getting new babies in the family. He's a lucky boy to be coming to a mom, dad and sister who love him so much, already, and so many other people who love him, too. And, Stacy's shower yesterday was really fun.
I've thought about my kids a lot this week. I love them all. They make me "well pleased". (We talked about the word "proud" in Sunday School last week and learned that scripturally speaking, "proud" is NEVER a good thing). But, you know what I mean. EVERY one of my kids makes me so "well pleased" to be their mother that sometimes I have so much joy from them that I wish I had 50 kids, just for the 10x joy I would have. I really think that's what God feels like. But, the real part of me is good with the 5! They all have such strengths and talents and compassion. And, they all love each other. That, to me, really is the BEST! And, I'm toally bawling as I write this.
I learned how to bind a quilt this week. I've made quilts and blankets for nearly 3o years, but I finally learned how to make a for-real binding. It was really easy and I'm sorry I didn't learn earlier.
I finished reading the Ensign that came last week. Every article. Some of them twice.
I've thought about resolutions. Most are really personal, so I'm not posting them. But, I sure do hope to be a better person at the end of 2008 than I started out.
Michael's mission has transfers this week and I'm really curious to find out if he gets transferrred to a new area or not. I'm thinking not. But, we'll see. It's time to send him a package, but I'm waiting to see what happens.
My aunt who generally won' speak to me called two days after Christmas. She's still mad at me, I could tell, but I would bet you she couldn't really tell you why she's mad at me. She just got mad at me two years ago and now all she knows is... she's mad. I think she doesn't know why. But, I can't let that define my feelings about her. She's ,without a doubt, one of the most difficult persons I've ever known. But, she's a child of God and he loves her. NOT what she does (like all of us) but HER. So, I try to love HER (not what she does). And, I think I do. I REALLY hope when she dies she'll find the peace and love that has escaped her all her mortal life. Family ties are so good/bad. Genetics define us in so many ways. Sometimes, as much as we don't want to have certain traits, we're stuck with them, thanks to genetics. Or at least the tendencies to have them. Predispositions and all that. Makes life a real bummer sometimes! What's that I've read about trials, tests, proving ground, weaknesses, etc? But, there are good things to that whole thing too. Focus on the positive and build on those, I say! Work on the others at the same time.
I went to a movie yesterday with Terry. Bucket List. Good movie. Sad in parts. Makes you think. It's all about "what do I want to do before I die?". Of course, it helps that money was no object in the movie. But, it makes you think. What would YOU do if you knew you only had 6 months to a year to live? Morgan Freeman and Jack Nicholson. Its worth seeing if all they did was read the phone book.
The Packers won, yesterday. Yay, for Mike.
That's it for now.
Today is an exciting day. It's the day Stacy goes to the hospital to be induced to have their baby boy, Gus. I'm stoked. I love getting new babies in the family. He's a lucky boy to be coming to a mom, dad and sister who love him so much, already, and so many other people who love him, too. And, Stacy's shower yesterday was really fun.
I've thought about my kids a lot this week. I love them all. They make me "well pleased". (We talked about the word "proud" in Sunday School last week and learned that scripturally speaking, "proud" is NEVER a good thing). But, you know what I mean. EVERY one of my kids makes me so "well pleased" to be their mother that sometimes I have so much joy from them that I wish I had 50 kids, just for the 10x joy I would have. I really think that's what God feels like. But, the real part of me is good with the 5! They all have such strengths and talents and compassion. And, they all love each other. That, to me, really is the BEST! And, I'm toally bawling as I write this.
I learned how to bind a quilt this week. I've made quilts and blankets for nearly 3o years, but I finally learned how to make a for-real binding. It was really easy and I'm sorry I didn't learn earlier.
I finished reading the Ensign that came last week. Every article. Some of them twice.
I've thought about resolutions. Most are really personal, so I'm not posting them. But, I sure do hope to be a better person at the end of 2008 than I started out.
Michael's mission has transfers this week and I'm really curious to find out if he gets transferrred to a new area or not. I'm thinking not. But, we'll see. It's time to send him a package, but I'm waiting to see what happens.
My aunt who generally won' speak to me called two days after Christmas. She's still mad at me, I could tell, but I would bet you she couldn't really tell you why she's mad at me. She just got mad at me two years ago and now all she knows is... she's mad. I think she doesn't know why. But, I can't let that define my feelings about her. She's ,without a doubt, one of the most difficult persons I've ever known. But, she's a child of God and he loves her. NOT what she does (like all of us) but HER. So, I try to love HER (not what she does). And, I think I do. I REALLY hope when she dies she'll find the peace and love that has escaped her all her mortal life. Family ties are so good/bad. Genetics define us in so many ways. Sometimes, as much as we don't want to have certain traits, we're stuck with them, thanks to genetics. Or at least the tendencies to have them. Predispositions and all that. Makes life a real bummer sometimes! What's that I've read about trials, tests, proving ground, weaknesses, etc? But, there are good things to that whole thing too. Focus on the positive and build on those, I say! Work on the others at the same time.
I went to a movie yesterday with Terry. Bucket List. Good movie. Sad in parts. Makes you think. It's all about "what do I want to do before I die?". Of course, it helps that money was no object in the movie. But, it makes you think. What would YOU do if you knew you only had 6 months to a year to live? Morgan Freeman and Jack Nicholson. Its worth seeing if all they did was read the phone book.
The Packers won, yesterday. Yay, for Mike.
That's it for now.
Saturday, January 5, 2008
Memories 2
I meant to add these to the next post, but forgot. New dolls, clothes, Christmas 1981.
Kris sent this picture. It was taken in March 1982. I think I wasn't there. I was home waiting to have Nathan. I thought for a long ime they were trying to not smile, but I think maybe they had some candy they were sucking on. Either way, it's a cute picture. Hmm. I just noticed. Sarah is wearing the same shirt and Erin is wearing the same overalls. I think they were favorites, whatcha think? And Tyler, you and Dustin are NOT dressed EXACTLY alike. You're stripes are different colors.

I was looking through my photo albums for something today and I ran across these photos. I thought they might be a fun blast from the past for a few of you. This first one is about the same as what Sarah posted the other day, but with Grandma Garrard. (1985)
I love this one. There aren't too many like this one, with Grandma and all her kids. And, they are all smiling. And NOT flaring their nostrils! (1985)

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