Sunday, October 7, 2007

Mean People Suck

Mean People suck!!! I don't get the need for some people to say whatever they want to hurt other people's feelings. Does it REALLY make them feel smart? Witty? BETTER than someone? Don't they know that none of us are inherently better than anyone else? And, when a person says mean things, it actually diminishes themselves, not so much the person the mean comment was aimed at. So to all the people who have a "gift" of zinging others and think that is cool...PFFFTTT to you!


Stac said...

mean people do suck. They suck a lot. Thanks for your comments.

Jerolyn said...
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Jerolyn said...

Sucky Suckerstien that's who they there HA!

Tyler said...

All this family (especially the Mom's) have to do is scroll to your post about being a mom to understand what this forum is about. I give people a hard time, and I disagree with people, but it is in fun, AND AT LEAST I AM MAN ENOUGHT TO PUT MY NAME WITH MY COMMENTS!!!!! SCREW CHICKENS!!! I just hope the a** hole enjoyed peering in on lives of people who are truly happy with themselves, despite what their physical apperance may be. Takes a real big person to make a weight joke, but to make one about a pregnant woman? Come on! There isn't a much bigger piece of crap than that!!! End of story!

Jerolyn said...

people who don't post for 5 days ALSO suck!! love ya though!!!

Julina said...

Long time, no blog beth... I bring my lappy to class and get really bored... I check blogs, but am sometimes dissapointed... sad. no worries. I still love you guys, but statistics is a lot more boring this way...