Saturday, June 23, 2007

Finally, the wait is over

Charlestson, West Virginia!!! That's where Michael is going to serve the Lord for 2 years. He enters the Missionary Training Center in Provo, UT on Aug. 22.

We had a house FULL of people tonight. It was nice, noisy at times, and extremely gratifying to see all the people who came to support Mike in this. I felt amazingly calm as this day approached. Only in the few minutes before did I get a little bit antsy. He seems to be really excited about the location. He'll love the mission, I know he will. I just keep thinking "Appalachia" and "Coal Mining". I drove through West Virginia in 1994 on an LDS Church History tour. What I saw of it was really beautiful.

It's going to be very busy for us and Micheal as he gets ready to go. But, it will be a good busy.


Tyler said...

CONGRATS MIKE!!!! Sorry we couldn't be there. I was up with Kiersten and had to check! Sounds like it should be fun! Keep us posted as to a farewell date! Later-Tyler

The RealFatman said...

So does this mean that your house is going to be Kid free at the end of August???

barlows said...

We drove through West Virginia on the church history trip? Really? I mean, yeah, Mike is in for a great treat as I recall :)

Erin said...

I have no recollection of West Virginia on that trip, either...are you sure??? I guess you were the one driving.

Molly said...

Yay!! Mike totally called it...he swore he would go state-side! We are so happy for him!

Beth said...

Yes, I'm sure. I'm also sure you slept through most of it. It was on the way to the Amish/Mennonite farmhouse dinner. We had gotten into Cleveland or somelace at terribly late hour like 1:30 OR 2:00 and were back on the road by 6 or 7. I'm sure you missed it. It was beautiful. Not a big state, so it didn't take long. A few hours.

annilee said...

Congrats on your missionary! That is awesome! And Thanks for the comment, it's a great song to bad they have to ruin a great song with some foul words. It was good to talk to you the other night! I enjoy reading your blog!